Since the topic of E-ID and SSI is of fundamental importance not only for the Swiss financial center but for the entire economy, SFTI is (once again) devoting a dedicated working group to this topic.
First attempt: E-ID via Private-Public-Partnership
Shortly after the Federal Council’s initial consultations began in 2017, SFTI also started discussions on the establishment of a dedicated working group (Link). Under the leadership of the ZKB, this working group developed the basic concepts for an E-ID based on a private-public partnership with regard to the sharing of work and responsibilities.
The referendum against such an e-ID also put a stop to SFTI’s working group.
Second attempt: Governmental E-ID
Following the rejection of the E-ID Act, the Federal Council has restarted the process towards an E-ID, this time as a purely governmental variant. After the SFTI community signaled a lively interest in exploring this topic in greater depth, further clarifications were initiated. Many parties showed an interest in participating in an E-ID working group, both to actively develop and review content as well as to learn what impact the E-ID can have on their business models.
Focus Topics of this working group
- Basics
- Sector specific topics
- Identify E-ID related use cases for the working group
- Derive possible business cases for FIs (also cross sectional)
- Explore the perspectives for the implementation of possible MVPs
These topics will be addressed in six dedicated workshops. The aim of this approach is to vividly illustrate the potential of E-ID/SSI by means of an MVP.
The SFTI Open Pension core-project team consists of representatives from SFTI and other parties.
It is led by Marcel Eichmüller from SFTI’s member company SwissSign.