In this webinar, the Italian Spunta Banca DLT project will be presented and discussed with speakers from the Swiss perspective.
Spunta Banca DLT is a private permissioned distributed ledger technology-based project for interbank reconciliation promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI) and managed and implemented by ABI Lab, the Italian Banking Research and Innovation Centre.
The project began in December 2017, when ABI Lab and NTT Data Italia started working on a blockchain proof of concept for straight through pro-cessing of interbank reconciliations using R3’s Corda platform. In addition to NTT Data and R3, SIA is also a technical partner of the project.
Now Spunta Banca DLT solution, is live with over 100 Italian banks, repre-senting 91% of the nation’s banks. In the first 13 months, Spunta Banca DLT has processed 455 million transactions with an automatic match rate of 98.3%, transforming the interbank reconciliation process.
During the event, the next steps in the field of international reconciliation will also be illustrated.
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Stengel, Co-Director, Swiss Fintech Innovations (SFTI)
Dr. Thomas Moser, Alternate Member of the Governing Board, Swiss Na-tional Bank (SNB)
Paola Giucca, Deputy Head Retail Payment Instruments and Services Direc-torate, Banca d’Italia
Silvia Attanasio, Head of Innovation, Italian Banking Association (ABI)
Romano Stasi, Managing Director, Banking Research and Innovation Center of ABI (ABILab)
Michele Bussoni, Head of Service Centre, CREDEM
Daniele Di Stazio, Research Analyst, ABILab
Francisco Spadafora, Head of Blockchain Service Line, NTT Data
Maria Vittoria Trussoni, Technology Strategist, NTT Data
Thomas Rühl (Moderator), Head of Research, Swiss Banking Association (SBA)