Establishing a digital identity in Switzerland with a public private partnership

The Federal Council is currently preparing the dispatch upon the draft of the E-ID Act. The draft plans to set up an ecosystem for digital identities with state and private actors and is fully supported by Swiss Fintech Innovations.

National digital identities are used every day in several countries. Successful cases are known for state electronic identity systems (i.e. in Estonia) as well as commercial electronic identity systems (i.e. iDIN in the Netherlands or TUPAS in Finland). Reality shows that market-oriented solutions are implemented more quickly and often more successfully than state systems, because financial institutions provide e-banking-solutions and therefore have already qualified identities which are verified against state documents.

Swiss financial institutions are in a good position to implement an E-ID in the sense of a public private partnership: They have proven their great competency in cyber security, enjoy a high level of trust with their clients and cover up to 100 % of Swiss people with IT affinity. Swiss people are used to e-banking solutions and appreciate in particu- lar, that identities are not used for uncontrolled monetary assessments unlike social media (Google, Apple, Face- book or Amazon). Read more.