Consultation on the work of the Blockchain/ICO Working Group EFD, BJ
The full statement of our working group Regulations regarding the consultation on the work of the Blockchain/ICO working group from the Federal Department of Finance, [...]
The full statement of our working group Regulations regarding the consultation on the work of the Blockchain/ICO working group from the Federal Department of Finance, [...]
Co-Author Roman Aus der Au Distributed Ledger technology enables - especially in the form of blockchains - effective data protection. This statement astonishes at first [...]
Co-Autor Roman Aus der Au Distributed Ledger Technologie ermöglicht – gerade in Form von Blockchains – effektiven Datenschutz. Diese Aussage erstaunt auf den ersten Blick [...]
The Swiss financial centre standardises interfaces to drive innovation forward API is the keyword of the moment for innovation in the financial sector. The Swiss [...]
The following PDF files hold the current results of SFTI's "Common API" working group: 01.Main_Document This files holds general information of any other file that [...]